Terms to Know
SCA Terms to Know
Medieval / Renaissance Clothing worn at events.
Any point in time between the year 600 CE to 1600 CE, the time frame that the SCA operates within.
A character that might have lived in the SCA period that a member pretends to be at events; personas can be very simple or quite complex, it's up to the person.
Troll or Gate
The place when you check in at an event and fill out your NCR forms.
The place at events where you pay any monies due and receive your site token. (It is required that everyone check in at ALL events)
Day Tripping
Not camping overnight, may or may not be eating feast.
Call of the Marshalls for everyone to stop. Failure to do so may result in someone being injured.
Dinner, usually served in the feast hall at events. There is a separate fee and space is limited. Dishes and utensils are not provided.