This is the most visible of all our activities and is the only requirement in the SCA. Everyone is asked to make an attempt at pre-1600 clothing. Your garb can be as simple as a "T" tunic or as elaborate as Elizabethan court garb. Please don't feel as though you have to be dressed perfectly. We understand that you may not have the knowledge or means to do a complete outfit. If you're not sure what to wear, ask someone. They will be more than willing to help.
Another misconception is that if you wear one style of clothing, you always have to dress that way. After attending several events, you will see that this is not true. Many people see a costume and think they might like it, but after wearing it to their first event they find that the clothes are too uncomfortable, too wieldy, or not flattering to your figure. You can also use commercial patterns or purchase your garb. PLEASE ask someone if you need help.
For ideas please see this Costume Page.